This guide provides the steps to link your GitHub account with a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline via One CI/CD. By connecting GitHub, you can automate the processes of fetching repositories and deploying code changes smoothly.



  1. Access One CI/CD Dashboard: Log in to your OneTab account and navigate to the One CI/CD dashboard.

  2. Connect Account: Find the Account section and connect your GitHub account. Follow the prompts and authorize One CI/CD to access your code hosting platform's repositories. This step enables One CI/CD to fetch repositories and automate processes.

  3. Configure Repositories and Set Up Project: After connecting your GitHub account, you'll be prompted to configure the repositories you want to integrate with One CI/CD. Choose the repositories that are relevant to your CI/CD workflows. Then, proceed to set up your project within the One CI/CD dashboard. Create the necessary pipelines according to branch specifications and templates. Finally, define your CI/CD workflow to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.

  4. Install Package and Initialize: Install the OneTab CLI globally by using the following command:

    npm install -g onetab-cli

Then, navigate to your project directory and initialize OneTab CLI by running:

`onetab-cli init`
  1. Testing the CI/CD Pipeline: Make a minor code modification in one of your integrated repositories on GitHub. Then, push these changes to the repository.
  2. Observing Pipeline Execution: Return to the One CI/CD dashboard and monitor the CI/CD pipeline execution. The pipeline should be automatically triggered by the code changes pushed to GitHub.


Integrating GitHub with One CI/CD for automation can make your development process more efficient, ensuring quicker and more reliable delivery of code changes. By documenting the integration process and following these steps, you can take advantage of CI/CD pipelines for your projects.

Account Integration

Connecting and Configuring Accounts in One CI/CD

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to seamlessly integrate your GitHub accounts with One CI/CD.

Step 1: Locate the Account Screen in One CI/CD Dashboard

First, log in to your One CI/CD account and navigate to the account settings screen. Here, you’ll find the option to connect your code hosting platform account.
